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Video tutorial


The web installation is pretty straight forward.

  • Extract the contents of the "Web files" folder to your web server
  • Edit the file config.php to fit your MySQL database details
  • Create the database you specified above
  • Visit Now you will see something similar to this:
Install page

The three last fields will be automatically filled in and the other ones are pretty self explanatory.

The next step is for Linux only Make sure to set the right permissions for your files! This can be done by running these commands in a linux terminal:

cd path/to/installdir
sudo chown www-data:www-data install.php img/pkgs updates
sudo mkdir cache/auto
sudo chmod 775 install.php cert/* ipn_errors.log img/pkgs cache/* updates
sudo chmod 0777 cache/auto

The next step is for Windows only!

  • Create cache/auto
  • Right click on it -> Properties -> Security and make sure guests have access to write to the directory

When the installation is done the first user to sign in gets admin priveleges